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From My Little Black Book.

Every stain has it’s cure.

A: In clothing and material.:
B: In carpets;
If you stain a new carpet, don’t try shaking it or passing the vacuum cleaner. Instead brush it or clean it with a sponge.
Use shaving cream to remove stains, the foam giving good results. Then wash the stained area with natural water or mineral water, or soda water.
To remove grease stains from carpets, use a paste made from stain remover and talcum powder, then rub, and pass the vacuum cleaner. Repeat if need be.
C: Stained metals:
To clean gold or silver objects ( if you have any!) simply with the white part of bread.

And if you dig out your grandparents chest and find chains, medals, broches etc., so blackened with age, that you don’t know wwhat they are, rub with a barely damp cloth and a lot bicarbonate of soda, and you’ll see how they bring up a shine in next to no time.

Copper objects can be cleaned rubbing with a piece of cut lemon. Then rinse in warm water and dried with a soft cloth. For difficlut stains, use some salt with the lemon. It works, too, with copper bottomed saucepans

The white stains caused by hard water in stainless steel utensils can be dissolved and removed with white vinagre.

Hardened soap and lime satins on bathroom fittings can be removed with vinagre

D: Miscelaneous:
Tough stains on marbol work surfaces can be removed with a soft cloth and a little trementine. Clean with warm water then polish as usual.
Something melted or got stuck on the bottom of your iron? Run the hot iron several times over a piece of white paper with plenty of salt sprinkled on it.
Cloth or silk flowers: Place flowers in a paper bag with a handfull of baking soda and shake vigorously for several minutes. With delicate flowers shake gently.

Next , we’ll see how to get rid of smells



Here are a few household tips you might find useful:
When the salt-cellar has ran away with itself in juicy foods, add four or five wooden toothpicks cut up in pieces.
When the mirrors get all misted up while your are having a bath, just run the hot air hair dryer over them.
To remove all kinds of dirt from the windows, put half a glass of vinegar into a bucket of water, clean the panes with this, and then dry, ( with screwed-up newspaper) The vinegar removes all stains and greasiness.


Flowers have a special significance or symbolic meaning in most countries of the world, but more especially so in Japan, a country that possesses a rich floral language and where it is specially importante to know the symbolism of different arrangements.

Language of Flowers

Good combinations:
Red roses and white gladioli
Yellow roses with lilac freesias
Bad combinations… strong ones cause others to wilt
Roses with Lillies
Roses with jasmin
Jasmin with carnations

Good arrangements for Mother’s Day
1) White freesias, red rosas and forget-me-nots
2) Red gladiolis, White Azucenas
3) Yellow roses, fern, yellow azucenas
4) Red roses, pansies and forget-me-nots

Taken from a curse of Ikebana, and BH&G, and recently incorporated as a new chapter in “Daphne’s little Black Book”

For more information: (español / English)

Last week, thinking of Mother’s Day, in the Northern Hemisphere, we touched on the significance of different flowers. This week, for those who receive another kind of treasure, we play around with what precious stones mean.

Gems and their Meanings

Through the ages, minerals and gems have been associated with different meanings and attributes. When carried or worn, these stones can be a powerful symbolic reminder to the subconscious, which can then create or attract the desired changes. Each stone is also a precious creation of Mother Earth, to be treasured forever for its timeless antiquity and natural beauty.

More information:

Birthstone and Astrological Gemstone Chart

Once, birthstones were closely associated with the months, until it was realized that they are more closely related to the planets which in turn, are the idea behind our birthsigns.

Capricorn (Sea-goat) 22nd Dec – 20th Jan.: Amethyst, Cat's Eye, Garnet, Jet, Malachite, Star Sapphire, Smokey Quartz, Tiger's Eye, Green Tourmaline.
Aquarius (Water-bearer) 21st Jan. – 19th Feb: Amber, Amethyst, Garnet, Hematite.
Pisces (Fishes) 20th Feb – 20th Mar.: Blue Lace Agate, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Opal, Golden Topaz, Turquoise
Aries (Ram) 21st Mar. – 20th Apr.: Fire Agate, Aquamarine, Aventurine, Bloodstone, Cat's Eye, Citrine, Diamond, Emerald, Hematite, Jade, red Jasper.
Taurus (Bull) 21st Apr.- 21st May: Carnelion, Cat's Eye, Chrysocolla, Diamond, Emerald, Jade, Rose Quartz
Gemini (Twins) 22nd May – 21st June: Agate, Aquamarine, Chrysocolla, Citrine, Emerald, Jade, Pearl, Sapphire, Serpentine, Tanzanite, Watermelon Tourmaline.
Cancer (Crab) 22nd June – 23rd July: Carnelion, Chalcedony, Moonstone, Opal, Pearl, Ruby
Leo (Lion) 24th July – 23rd Aug.: Carnelion, Amber, Chrysoberyl, Citrine, Diamond, Garnet, Jasper, Marcasite, Onyx, Peridot, Ruby, Sapphire, Golden Topaz.
Virgo (Virgin) 24th Aug, - 23rd Sept.: Moss Agate, Almandine, Amethyst, Amazonite, Chrysocolla, Garnet, Peridot, Sapphire, Watermelom Tourmaline.
Libra (Scales) 24th Sept – 23rd Oct.: Ametrine, Bloodstone, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Jade, Moonstone, Opal, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Tanzanite, Lt. Pink or BlueTourmaline.
Scorpio (Scorpion)24th Oct.- 22nd Nov.: Almandine, Malachite, Moonstone, Opal, Peridot, Ruby, Turquoise
Sagittarius (Archer) 23rd Nov, - 21st Dec.: Chalcedony, Lapis Lazuli, Peridot, Ruby, Star Sapphire, Smokey Quartz, Tanzanite, Topaz, Turquoise

How to decide what your baby will be before you even start!!

A boy baby, or a girl baby?

How many times have you heard things like “I couldn’t give him/ her a boy” or “Now we are trying for the girl”
Well, here is a recipe that goes beyond the guy sleeping with his boots on if he wants a boy!
For a boy:
The woman should;

For a girl:

* The time of ovulation can be worked out if the woman charts her temperature daily. Ovulation occurs every month at the point where the temperature first falls, then rises rapidly, usually a week to ten days after her period. Get to know your own pattern before trying for a baby.

What are you all laughing at? It worked for us! At least there is a 50 – 50 chance it will for you too! I’d be interested to hear the results. But anyway, don’t blame ME or your partner if it doesn’t work.! This is the textual version my Mom sent me when I was between kids.

Homemade Remedies with Parsley.

Arthitis: Three of four cups of Parsley tea a day is the most advisable.

Shiny Hair: Boil a handful of parsley in a little water. Leave to cool, and use as a rinse after shampooing. You’ll get a beautiful shine.

An Appetite Stimulator: drink a cup of parsley tea before supper.

Acne and other skin infections: Apply a parsley compress directly to the affected part and then cover with gauze. Keep the gauze damp with hot water.

Indigestion: Chew on a couple of fresh parsley stalks. Or drink a ¼ cup of dried parsley in water. Or make an infusion of concentrated parsley, putting two cupfuls of parsely in a litre of water.

Bad breath: Parsley is the only known way of removing the smell of garlic from your breath. It also neutralizes the smell of onions, tabacco and almost all other causes of bad breath.

Insect bites and stings: chop up and crush in a glass or porcelain container, ( do not use metal as this produces an undesirable chemical reaction) Apply the paste directly to the bite or sting.

Urinary Problems: drink several cups of parsley tea a day until the symptoms disappear. Parsley acts as a laxative helping eliminate excess liquids, and form an excellent kidney tonic.

Cough: Drink a litre of parsley tea a day. The high vitamin “C” content also helps cure colds.

  1. Add baking soda and a round of lemon to the water when cooking hard boiled eggs, so that they do not break nor satín the pan.
  2. Copper objects can be cleaned very well by rubbing them with a lemon cut in half. Then rinse with warm water and dry with a soft cloth.
  3. Plastic or rubber boots can be renewed wiping them with a cloth soaked in lemon juice.
  4. If you place a lemon in hot water for 15 minutes befote squeezing it, you will get a lot more juice. Or cut in half and microwave for 30 seconds .
  5. To remove the smell of frying from a room, burn a piece of lemon peel.
  6. To stop food ( mainly fruits y vegetables ) from going brown, add a few drops of lemon to the cooking water, or directly on fresh cut ones.
  7. Ink and rust stains can be moved submerging the affected part in a plateo of hot water and lemon juice.
  8. The smell of onion or garlic can be removed from your hands by rubbing them in a little lemon.
  9. The best way to clean polished glass is to pass half a lemon over it, then rub with a dry woollen cloth.
  10. To avoid the effects of a posible ‘flu, squeeze a hot lemon, add a spoon of honey, stir and drink... three times a day.
  11. Everyone knows that lemon has a large quantity of vitamine "C". But did you know that it also contains vitamins "A" andy "B" as well as calcium and other mineral sustances?
  12. As well as its nutritional value, lemon protects your blood vessels, estimulates the red blood cells and strengthens your bones. Another of its properties is to raise the body’s defense against infections.
  13. Do you know someone recovering from an illness that doesn’t want to eat? Advise them to drink the juice of one or two lemons before meals. Nothing better to stimulate the appetite!
  14. During the hot months when intestinal problems are frequent, the bactericidal action of lemon juice is useful. For this reason, and because of its refreshing value, its a good thing to drink lemonades in the summer.
  15. Here is something that few of us knew. Lemon juice is an ideal way to calm insect bites, and is a good for scratches and small cuts.
  16. Someone in the family has to have a salt free diet? Remember that lemon is low in sodium and can give food a pleasant flavour. Use i ton metas fish and poultry
  17. If you want to improve the flavour of salads without adding more calories, sprinkle them with a little lemon juice, also a good way of bettering the flavour of fruits.
  18. Rice will be a lot whiter if you add a few drops of lemon juice to the cooking water
  19. Finely grated peel of one or two lemons gives an excellent flavour to cake mixes and sweet sauces.
  20. If your white cotton socks have gone yellowy with use, boil them in water with a couple of lemon rings. You’ll soon see how they get back their original color.
  21. Lemon juice is a good "invisible ink" Write using a nib pen, and in order to read the writing, pass a hot iron over the sheet of paper or near a light bulb.
Left over COCA COLA for Cleaning Stains(borrowed from WWCoF Ezboards)
  1. Pour leftover cola into your toilet bowl, let soak 5 minutes, swish with brush and flush to give it a brilliant shine.
  2. MORE USES FOR COLA ever have those green stains (grass), grease stains or other cruddy stains even the super-dooper sprays won't budge?
    LaVerle McCandless from Washington State, one of our subscribers, says the best way she has found to get these stains from clothing is with cola and it can be the cheapest cola on the market!
    Run the stained clothing and rags through a COLD WATER soak or rinse first, this removes any stain, which would set in hot water. Then use your regular cleaning items, detergent, color safe chlorine bleach, etc., in hot water and
    ADD ONE 12 OZ. CAN OF COLA to the wash water. Continue on as usual. Another use for cola, take the greasy film off the windshield. Wet cloth with cola and wash the window, rinse and dry. Thanks LaVerle for your great tips.
  3. High way police use it to clean up stains from the road after accidents, so it should work for meat and blood stains in carpets, flooring and furniture.
  4. Truck drivers use it clean up their engines
  5. To clean rust stains from chrome bumbers of cars, rub it with a piece of aluminium foil dipped in Coca.
  6. To clean the corrosion from car battery terminals, empty a can of cocacola over the terminals. This will eat away the corrosion. 6. Para aflojar un tornillo oxidado, aplicar un trapo embebido en Coca durante algunos minutos… Esto sí funciona!
  7. To cook a juicy ham, empty a tin of coca-cola into the baking tray. Cover the ham with aluminium foil, and roast. 30 minutes before the end of the cooking, remove the foil allowing the natural juicy to mix with the coca-cola for a delicious gravy.
  8. Also good for cleaning the windscreen of your car


It's a great way to start your day and get you going.
Anyway - did you know that there are a few other ways to use your java besides drinking it? The liquid, and particularly the grounds, have other helpful – and thrifty uses - such as: